Organizational Design

We help you diagnose your business needs by designing and implementing an operational model of human resources with components that maximize effectiveness and efficiency.

We develop custom solutions for all your HR challenges and needs. From HR strategies, business plans, and metrics, we carry out the organizational design and your operating model from design to execution.

Why does your business need this?
  1. Prevention
  2. Internal and External Equity
  3. Organizational Base
All these 3 components are important to make or break a business no matter the size.
1 in 4 especially small businesses do not have an established or updated manual, and while it is not legally required, having a good manual remains a smart best practice that protects the rights of workers and organizations alike, especially when standards are addressed, laws, expectations, etiquette, benefits and other important guidelines in the workplace.
When business owners take the time to invest and create a great employee handbook, it becomes a valuable tool for everyone. If a question regarding labor policy comes up, employees know they can turn to their manual for an immediate answer. Additionally, you do not hesitate to answer a question and you make sure that all the answers are fair for all your employees.
The company culture is the most important aspect of any organization. This is true for both employees and employers because you put in black and white what you want your company culture to be. If written clearly and precisely, manuals and policies can serve as the roadmap for behavior and expectations in the workplace, greatly helping to establish a company culture. Employee manuals and Policies can also set the tone for business expectations, including the mission and values ​​of the company.
Included in our Organizational Design Area: